Right here,
For the perfect moment,
This is not it,
But we are close.
Where am I going with this you ask, or maybe you dont, either way I will tell you.
I observe the Occupy movement, I wont call it a protest because it would seem they are only camping out with no real direction. They say they have goals, but camping out in the local park is not going to accomplish anything. Unless your goal is to break the law so the police will have to arrest you and then you could resist and then they can go upside your head with a can of mace or one of them D-cell maglites effectively making a martyr of yourself, then by all means continue on.
If on the other hand you want to make a real change then occupy the local or state level elected officials. They are the ones who are suppose to address a protests greivances. AND I QUOTE...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
That being stated I can go either way, for or against. I have looked at the "Occupy" and the people I see there are not of my ilk. They are not my brothers and sisters. Yes, These people want change and it is their right to want and to try to achieve. But the change they want will only further destroy our great nation. They want many things and in return do not want to work for them. They want someone else to foot the bill. They want the government to pay for it all. They want life to be fair for everyone. They want the world on a silver platter. This is not a complete list but just an overview.
Seems a bit selfish to me. Maybe thats because I work for what I have. I earn the things I need and want. Food to feed my family, a roof over our heads, a truck to drive, health insurance, clothes to cover us, etc. etc.! I really did come from nothing, living in the ghetto, making a better life for myself felt like my only option. So that is what I did. I am still working to better myself and will do so until the day I die.
I was told when I was young that "No one is going to hand you anything and if you want it you have to make it happen". My mother and both my uncles told me that. If you think about it that is really the best advice to take to heart, that and "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Those two simple phrases mean so much when you think about it.
So here is where we are...
Dont get me wrong I want change in the government also but the change I want is the government to be ran like it was intended. Restore the Constitution of The United States of America!
Socializing to the point of communism is not the way. We are already headed down that path. It may already be too late. Then again it may not be. I do know I will continue to fight to keep my children free. I will fight so these "occupy" have the right to push their agenda. I will fight to stop them.I will fight!
If I die in the process, and I expect to if my liberties are lost, Tell my children I tried and to keep up the good fight!
By no means is this me accepting defeat either. For I am not alone. There are countless other Americans who are fighting by my side. There are many who have yet to join the fight. It will not be an easy battle. There is much at stake. Your children and theirs to come for instance.
I do ask this of you. Prepare yourself. Prepare for your children. Prepare with knowledge, prepare to survive, and prepare to fight!
The Sheepdogs are ready. SEMPER VIGILANS!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read one mans thoughts!
Cut to the chase. Everyone knows now what is going on with the Wall St. protest. At first it sounded really good I will admit. But the more I read into it and the more I hear from the mouth of babes I began to wonder what these people really wanted to accomplish. The answer is they have a common goal... Socialism. I asked myself why would they want that? So I looked at the people doing the protesting. They have little to nothing. (I even noticed the lack of American flags!) They do have time to camp out in the streets though. Which is the problem. They fail to realize that they are blaming the decline of the economy on Capitialism, instead of where the blame needs to go and that is Big Government. Big "G" has walked all over the American people and taken control of every aspect they have been able to get its greasy grip on! From the value of a dollar to education to healthcare. I could go on but if you are reading this you probably know that government has overstepped its bounds. Which leads me to my next point....
These protestors are so oppressed they are willing to give up more of the few freedoms they have left to the next smiling face that walks up and says try this socialist system on for size. Entitlements for everyone! Healthcare for everyone! The government will take care of you!! Work as much or as little as you want! Your neighbor will have extra and help take care of you and if you have any extra then you help the the other guy! If you dont have extra then ask your other neighbor if he will help you also! If they dont have enough then no worries the government will take care of the slack! A Very LAZY outlook if you ask me!!
They are feeding right into the destruction of AMERICA!! I was told by protestors, online mind you, "America is obviously not working and the old way has failed so the only thing left is socialism" I found out I couldnt intellegently or even reasonably debate this person. After they couldnt tell me why the old ways were not working, they began to call me names, even went as far as to say I wasnt honorable because I wouldnt stand for socialism!!! Really... REALLY!!!
I will also say that I do agree with 75% of what they say and some of the things they stand for. But I also am a Constitutionalist, A Restorationist that is willing to stand for the common goal to get this country back to its foundation and right the wrongs the government has forced on its people!!!
We the People Will stand United but there has to be a common goal for the good of the country. We have to be Unified or else we will Fall. A socialist revolution is not what is going to save this country! It will only go to further drive a wedge between us and further the Government Takeover of the American People and America as a whole!!! Because with out the people there is no America!!!!
I will stop there. I want to make a video or two to show exactly what im talking about with these protestors. When I gather the resources and the time I will have them up to share so everyone can get a better picture of what im talking about when it comes to their views. Call it some of my Contribution to the Restoration!
Until next time check out the other ramblings on here and thanks again for reading!! Please share this site and comment if you please.
John Q. Constitution WWGWD?
Cut to the chase. Everyone knows now what is going on with the Wall St. protest. At first it sounded really good I will admit. But the more I read into it and the more I hear from the mouth of babes I began to wonder what these people really wanted to accomplish. The answer is they have a common goal... Socialism. I asked myself why would they want that? So I looked at the people doing the protesting. They have little to nothing. (I even noticed the lack of American flags!) They do have time to camp out in the streets though. Which is the problem. They fail to realize that they are blaming the decline of the economy on Capitialism, instead of where the blame needs to go and that is Big Government. Big "G" has walked all over the American people and taken control of every aspect they have been able to get its greasy grip on! From the value of a dollar to education to healthcare. I could go on but if you are reading this you probably know that government has overstepped its bounds. Which leads me to my next point....
These protestors are so oppressed they are willing to give up more of the few freedoms they have left to the next smiling face that walks up and says try this socialist system on for size. Entitlements for everyone! Healthcare for everyone! The government will take care of you!! Work as much or as little as you want! Your neighbor will have extra and help take care of you and if you have any extra then you help the the other guy! If you dont have extra then ask your other neighbor if he will help you also! If they dont have enough then no worries the government will take care of the slack! A Very LAZY outlook if you ask me!!
They are feeding right into the destruction of AMERICA!! I was told by protestors, online mind you, "America is obviously not working and the old way has failed so the only thing left is socialism" I found out I couldnt intellegently or even reasonably debate this person. After they couldnt tell me why the old ways were not working, they began to call me names, even went as far as to say I wasnt honorable because I wouldnt stand for socialism!!! Really... REALLY!!!
I will also say that I do agree with 75% of what they say and some of the things they stand for. But I also am a Constitutionalist, A Restorationist that is willing to stand for the common goal to get this country back to its foundation and right the wrongs the government has forced on its people!!!
We the People Will stand United but there has to be a common goal for the good of the country. We have to be Unified or else we will Fall. A socialist revolution is not what is going to save this country! It will only go to further drive a wedge between us and further the Government Takeover of the American People and America as a whole!!! Because with out the people there is no America!!!!
I will stop there. I want to make a video or two to show exactly what im talking about with these protestors. When I gather the resources and the time I will have them up to share so everyone can get a better picture of what im talking about when it comes to their views. Call it some of my Contribution to the Restoration!
Until next time check out the other ramblings on here and thanks again for reading!! Please share this site and comment if you please.
John Q. Constitution WWGWD?
Friday, August 19, 2011
LEGAL TREASON and other stuff!!!
Great! Now the white house (obama) says he will let illegal immigrants stay and have work visas, and if they serve two years in the military or college they can become legal citizens! How can this happen? Isint this treason? Isint this unconstitutional? Where does this dude get off? there arent enough jobs for Americans and now he wants to throw illegals into the job hunt! He has failed to create jobs. He has failed to stimulate the economy. I understand he was handed a pretty foul economy but he has made it worse by spending more than any administration to date. I guess thats easy to do when he has devalued the dollar so much!
What about his Obamacare... besides being unconstitutional in forcing people to purchase a private service and fining those that refuse to do such. No one seems to care that it is illegal to do this. But there he sits on his throne and people keep bowing down to him!
Hey we are still at war with Lybia and the media has stopped talking about it. It is still going on people!! He had no right to go in there and start throwing missles at that country. Getting involved in a civil war that has nothing to do with the USA is WRONG on so many fronts! He did not follow the guidelines to wage war on another country, he went about it in a nefarious way and then it was covered up by Anthony Weiner's weiner!!!
What a scam AMERICA
How long will this continue?
I sit here and watch the stock market drop daily while gold and silver break record highs. The value of a dollar drops while food prices rise! The price of oil drops while the price at the pump rises. Do you see what is happening here or are there only a handfull of us who are aware? Why does no one care that our country is on the decline, and folks it is heading downhill fast.
You are going to wake up oneday and realize you live in a third world country. Then it will be too late! When you cant feed your children or yourselves you will think "What happened" by then people it will be too late. You should have done something when you had the chance!!! But alas it will be too late.
You better have a plan. Then you better have a backup plan and a plan C for that matter. but for most of you it will be too late!!!
Is it that everyone is afraid to call him out on his behavior because of the color of his skin, for fear that you will be labeled a racist? A person of pure evil is evil regardless of the color of his skin. Why would you care what evil labels you anyways?
I have many labels... father, companion, son, brother, friend, enemy, asshole, AMERICAN, redneck, patriot, constitutionalist, free-thinker, tea-partier, and even a possible terrorist!!! Do you think that I care that my government has labeled me a possible terrorist because I oppose their evil views and I have realized what their intentions are and will not stand for it any longer!! The answer is simple NO!! I do not care what men of pure evil think of me!!! They can oppress me by shutting down my site and trying to suppress my constitutional right of free speech.
All I am trying to do is inform people and get people thinking for themselves. I AM a law abiding citizen of these United States of America. I will continue to live my life morally and constitutionally correct. I will teach my children the same values that make our country great! In hopes that they will remain free and pass a free country onto their children along with the same moral codes that AMERICANS have lived by for over 200 years!!!!
After you read this ask yourself this question, What do I want out of life and am I willing to keep it or let it be taken away from me?
Leave me a comment, let me know what you think! Also if I made a video blog would you watch it?
Thanks for reading WWGWD WWTJD
Im just sayin!!!!
What about his Obamacare... besides being unconstitutional in forcing people to purchase a private service and fining those that refuse to do such. No one seems to care that it is illegal to do this. But there he sits on his throne and people keep bowing down to him!
Hey we are still at war with Lybia and the media has stopped talking about it. It is still going on people!! He had no right to go in there and start throwing missles at that country. Getting involved in a civil war that has nothing to do with the USA is WRONG on so many fronts! He did not follow the guidelines to wage war on another country, he went about it in a nefarious way and then it was covered up by Anthony Weiner's weiner!!!
What a scam AMERICA
How long will this continue?
I sit here and watch the stock market drop daily while gold and silver break record highs. The value of a dollar drops while food prices rise! The price of oil drops while the price at the pump rises. Do you see what is happening here or are there only a handfull of us who are aware? Why does no one care that our country is on the decline, and folks it is heading downhill fast.
You are going to wake up oneday and realize you live in a third world country. Then it will be too late! When you cant feed your children or yourselves you will think "What happened" by then people it will be too late. You should have done something when you had the chance!!! But alas it will be too late.
You better have a plan. Then you better have a backup plan and a plan C for that matter. but for most of you it will be too late!!!
Is it that everyone is afraid to call him out on his behavior because of the color of his skin, for fear that you will be labeled a racist? A person of pure evil is evil regardless of the color of his skin. Why would you care what evil labels you anyways?
I have many labels... father, companion, son, brother, friend, enemy, asshole, AMERICAN, redneck, patriot, constitutionalist, free-thinker, tea-partier, and even a possible terrorist!!! Do you think that I care that my government has labeled me a possible terrorist because I oppose their evil views and I have realized what their intentions are and will not stand for it any longer!! The answer is simple NO!! I do not care what men of pure evil think of me!!! They can oppress me by shutting down my site and trying to suppress my constitutional right of free speech.
All I am trying to do is inform people and get people thinking for themselves. I AM a law abiding citizen of these United States of America. I will continue to live my life morally and constitutionally correct. I will teach my children the same values that make our country great! In hopes that they will remain free and pass a free country onto their children along with the same moral codes that AMERICANS have lived by for over 200 years!!!!
After you read this ask yourself this question, What do I want out of life and am I willing to keep it or let it be taken away from me?
Leave me a comment, let me know what you think! Also if I made a video blog would you watch it?
Thanks for reading WWGWD WWTJD
Im just sayin!!!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
America The Free... But for how much longer???
Hello and thanks again for reading these rantings! Fear not for I have returned to hopefully stimulate your mind just a little bit more! Some of you may consider me a crackpot and im fine with that. I live in America and by all means feel free to think such. But remember those that cannot attack the message will attack the messager!! Now onto a little of what is floating in my head!!
I am aware of how much I dont like Obama, and how much I portray him in a negative light. He deserves all of, not just my negative attention but everyone elses as well!! This man is clearly leading this country down a path of darkness. I watched a video in which the reporter talks about Obama placing 20,000 uniformed troops within the U.S.A. border. Now that sounds like a great idea and a good way to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking in or to stop muslim terrorist from sneakin in and doing damage to our wonderful nation! While she did say it was in part to help stop another terrorist attack the main reason was to patrol the streets in the event of civil unrest! Did you read that? CIVIL UNREST! Their main goal will be to round up American citizens that the government feels is a patriotic resistance to their agenda. Then to tell the rest of the citizens to go home and keep your mouth shut or suffer the consequences! Really, REALLY!!!!! It is now become a crime and you are looked down upon if you are a patriot! You are a domestic terrorist. Did you also know that returning war veterans who have been honorably discharged for their duties are considered domestic terrorist!! TRUE! Sounds unbelieveable but this is a fact! Anyone who pays attention to whats going on in your government and voice an opposing opinion to the big government agenda is considered a domestic terrorist. You may even be considered a domestis terrorist for reading my blog!!!
Lets stop for a second and look at that phrase "Domestic Terrorist" according to the Patriot Act,Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism. via this link, http://www.aclu.org/national-security/how-usa-patriot-act-redefines-domestic-terrorism
These are a few things that will put you on a domestic terrorist watch list...
* Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
* Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
* Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After” are mentioned by name)
* Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
* Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
* Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
* Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government Homeschooling
* Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
* Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
This sounds unbelieveable right! WRONG these are things that are very real. I ask you do these things sound like the same group of people? It sounds like the government doesnt want any resistance to their agenda and will pull out all stops to fight a resistance. Let me ask you this. If our leaders were abiding by the constitution would there be a resistance from the patriots who want to see our country succeed and flourish and leave something for the next generation to be proud of? Now I ask this... Who are the real Domestic Terrorist? To me that would be ANYBODY who strives for the ruination of our country and values. Those that have refused to provide a balanced budget ammendment, those that have failed to take steps to cut spending to help reach that goal, Those that have stood by and watched our economy head rapidly downhill and now say if we dont raise the debt ceiling the economy will collapse. Those that refuse to agree to stop the madness that has become house and senate meetings because we cant cross political party lines and agree on a solution and to do so with haste in the best interest of these United States!!!!
This is a little nugget for you to think about! The United States has more oil under it than any other country in the world, Fact. We are not allowed to drill for it because a bunch of tree huggin hippies ((Greenpeace) Who are also labeled as domestic terrorist) and several environmental groups think that global warming is killing the planet! If we would start drilling for our own oil and refining it here in these United States and supplying not only us but the rest of the world the price of a barrel of crude would drop and so would the price at the pumps. Hold up I failed to mention how many jobs would be created by drilling because someone has to build the equipment necessary to get the oil. Someone has to build the refineries and storage fields for all that oil. CRAP we have to transport it also... MORE JOBS. People have to work at those refineries around the clock also, crap, more jobs!!! Not to mention once it has been refined those products have to be shipped to various industries like making plastic products and the countless other things we use petrolieum for. Truckers, factory workers, crap MORE JOBS!!! Gasolene goes in your car and if its cheaper to buy you will buy more, now you have some extra money to spend on your family like vacations that you can afford to drive to. Now you are spending you money stimulating the economy! So is everyone else who is working those jobs that were created!!! CRAP!!!! MORE JOBS!!! You know what that means less people on welfare and foodstamps and government assistance!!!! Hold on if the government isint handing out so much money any more that means we start having a budget surplus!!! Sounds crazy doesnt it!!! Did you keep up? Your smart I know you did!! Now im not saying that plan is without faults and is just a rough outline but you see where im going with this!!!
Now im just a blue collar hard working American and I can figure this out!! Why cant our elected officials? Oh thats right its not part of their agenda and they are too busy worring about how to win elections and legalizing illegal immigrants so they have a right to vote! Because hell yea you are gonna vote for the guy or girl that got you your green card and dismissed your illegal ways into this country!! Again who is the terrorist?
It is a down right outrage that so many Americans are unwilling to open their eyes and become involved in what is going on around them. Get out and vote. Become informed. Be prepared. You are the resistance! The government realizes that we have them out numbered but if they can keep the massed scared then they have no reason to fear an uprising and a return to good wholesome moral American values.
Look to your left and then look to your right. That person next to you has someone on the otherside of them. Think about their family and the family next to them!! You know morality, either god given or not the values are the same, to survive and oppose tryanny and resist those that will impose an immoral and oppresive way of life on you and those you love and those around you!!!
Have I said enough for this blog? I believe so. Feel free to do your own research about anything you may or may not read on here. Feel free to comment. I am severely lacking in comments, which leads me to believe that I have not struck a nerve with anyone! Feel free to criticize me or my ideals or my grammer if need be!! Or just let me know if you agree!!!
Also feel free to share if you are so inclined. Thanks and until next time keep America proud and Free!!! Im Just Sayin!! WWGWD? WWTJD?
Thanks for reading!!!!
I am aware of how much I dont like Obama, and how much I portray him in a negative light. He deserves all of, not just my negative attention but everyone elses as well!! This man is clearly leading this country down a path of darkness. I watched a video in which the reporter talks about Obama placing 20,000 uniformed troops within the U.S.A. border. Now that sounds like a great idea and a good way to keep illegal immigrants from sneaking in or to stop muslim terrorist from sneakin in and doing damage to our wonderful nation! While she did say it was in part to help stop another terrorist attack the main reason was to patrol the streets in the event of civil unrest! Did you read that? CIVIL UNREST! Their main goal will be to round up American citizens that the government feels is a patriotic resistance to their agenda. Then to tell the rest of the citizens to go home and keep your mouth shut or suffer the consequences! Really, REALLY!!!!! It is now become a crime and you are looked down upon if you are a patriot! You are a domestic terrorist. Did you also know that returning war veterans who have been honorably discharged for their duties are considered domestic terrorist!! TRUE! Sounds unbelieveable but this is a fact! Anyone who pays attention to whats going on in your government and voice an opposing opinion to the big government agenda is considered a domestic terrorist. You may even be considered a domestis terrorist for reading my blog!!!
Lets stop for a second and look at that phrase "Domestic Terrorist" according to the Patriot Act,Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism. via this link, http://www.aclu.org/national-security/how-usa-patriot-act-redefines-domestic-terrorism
These are a few things that will put you on a domestic terrorist watch list...
* Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
* Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
* Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After” are mentioned by name)
* Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
* Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
* Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
* Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government Homeschooling
* Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
* Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
This sounds unbelieveable right! WRONG these are things that are very real. I ask you do these things sound like the same group of people? It sounds like the government doesnt want any resistance to their agenda and will pull out all stops to fight a resistance. Let me ask you this. If our leaders were abiding by the constitution would there be a resistance from the patriots who want to see our country succeed and flourish and leave something for the next generation to be proud of? Now I ask this... Who are the real Domestic Terrorist? To me that would be ANYBODY who strives for the ruination of our country and values. Those that have refused to provide a balanced budget ammendment, those that have failed to take steps to cut spending to help reach that goal, Those that have stood by and watched our economy head rapidly downhill and now say if we dont raise the debt ceiling the economy will collapse. Those that refuse to agree to stop the madness that has become house and senate meetings because we cant cross political party lines and agree on a solution and to do so with haste in the best interest of these United States!!!!
This is a little nugget for you to think about! The United States has more oil under it than any other country in the world, Fact. We are not allowed to drill for it because a bunch of tree huggin hippies ((Greenpeace) Who are also labeled as domestic terrorist) and several environmental groups think that global warming is killing the planet! If we would start drilling for our own oil and refining it here in these United States and supplying not only us but the rest of the world the price of a barrel of crude would drop and so would the price at the pumps. Hold up I failed to mention how many jobs would be created by drilling because someone has to build the equipment necessary to get the oil. Someone has to build the refineries and storage fields for all that oil. CRAP we have to transport it also... MORE JOBS. People have to work at those refineries around the clock also, crap, more jobs!!! Not to mention once it has been refined those products have to be shipped to various industries like making plastic products and the countless other things we use petrolieum for. Truckers, factory workers, crap MORE JOBS!!! Gasolene goes in your car and if its cheaper to buy you will buy more, now you have some extra money to spend on your family like vacations that you can afford to drive to. Now you are spending you money stimulating the economy! So is everyone else who is working those jobs that were created!!! CRAP!!!! MORE JOBS!!! You know what that means less people on welfare and foodstamps and government assistance!!!! Hold on if the government isint handing out so much money any more that means we start having a budget surplus!!! Sounds crazy doesnt it!!! Did you keep up? Your smart I know you did!! Now im not saying that plan is without faults and is just a rough outline but you see where im going with this!!!
Now im just a blue collar hard working American and I can figure this out!! Why cant our elected officials? Oh thats right its not part of their agenda and they are too busy worring about how to win elections and legalizing illegal immigrants so they have a right to vote! Because hell yea you are gonna vote for the guy or girl that got you your green card and dismissed your illegal ways into this country!! Again who is the terrorist?
It is a down right outrage that so many Americans are unwilling to open their eyes and become involved in what is going on around them. Get out and vote. Become informed. Be prepared. You are the resistance! The government realizes that we have them out numbered but if they can keep the massed scared then they have no reason to fear an uprising and a return to good wholesome moral American values.
Look to your left and then look to your right. That person next to you has someone on the otherside of them. Think about their family and the family next to them!! You know morality, either god given or not the values are the same, to survive and oppose tryanny and resist those that will impose an immoral and oppresive way of life on you and those you love and those around you!!!
Have I said enough for this blog? I believe so. Feel free to do your own research about anything you may or may not read on here. Feel free to comment. I am severely lacking in comments, which leads me to believe that I have not struck a nerve with anyone! Feel free to criticize me or my ideals or my grammer if need be!! Or just let me know if you agree!!!
Also feel free to share if you are so inclined. Thanks and until next time keep America proud and Free!!! Im Just Sayin!! WWGWD? WWTJD?
Thanks for reading!!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Pre 4th of July Blog
I will start with the passing of my uncle. Bobby was a great man! He was one of those humans that had a great soul. He was always willing to help someone with out ever asking anything in return. A lot of people should be more like him. if that was the case then, not just America, but the world would be a better place!!! You will be greatly missed!!! R.I.P. Bobby
Good morning America, how are you? It is that time of year again!! Time to celebrate our independance by spending way too much money on fireworks (which are poisonous to humans and pets so be careful) made in Japan!!!! I know that is not what it is all about but but it is humorous!!
It is a time to reflect on how we got to where we are today though. Not just as a country but as individuals. Never Forget where we came from or those that came before us. Enjoy the time you get to spend with people that mean the most to you. Life is too fragile, I know I come off as anything but a humanist but there are good qualities in people and more of them need to act like they have some damn sense. im just sayin!!
How many of you get a long weekend? How many are going to dazzle the neighborhood with above stated foreworks? Have you ever wondered what it looks like if you were flying high in an airplane or from low orbit space? I bet that is the shit!!!! Me and the love were discussing this. Would you even be able to see it from space? I have always wondered!!
Switching gears, CM Punk. Cut an awesome promo on Monday Night RAW. If you seen it then you know. this guy has the alility to change the face of the current product. I feel WWE may be dropping the ball with this one. With out going too in depth he wants to leave after his contract is up and take the WWE belt with him. He cut a worked shoot downing everyone from HHH and Stef to vince and Johnny Ace. I havent seen anything like that since Stone Cold! They (WWE) really needs to not let this guy slip away, although I would like to see him win the belt and take it with him when he leaves. First of all WWE needs to get back to having one champion. It makes the belt have more meaning. Im all for that! We will see where they take it though!!!
Look at that a whole blog and not one rant about Obama!!! He is increasingly digging himself a hole and pulling dirt on top of himself in the process. I really hope he does not get another term!!! As Americans we cannot afford more of the garbage coming out of his mouth. All you have to do is listen to what he says and what he does. He is not doing what he was elected to do and therefore should not be allowed to continue.
No one has the balls to inpeach him, that would be considered racist. Its the content of his character not his skin color that makes him unworthy!!! Oops I ranted!
Back to the fun stuff!! Have you ever tried to teach a child to ride a bike with no training wheels? How about roller skating? It is CRAZY!!! Do you remember learning? I know what my mother went through now. As life flies by I realize more and more the hell I put my family through! They always said I will get all of it back three times worse... Guess what I have three kids..... damn parents are right again!! Funny how that happens!!!
I do hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy what we have!! Be careful out there! Please do not drink and drive and try not to injure yourself or anyone else with the fireworks!!! Dont let your friends drink and drive either!!!!! This public service was issued by Frosty ThaClown!!! Reminding you that: Im just sayin!!!!!
Live free and keep it that way
Good morning America, how are you? It is that time of year again!! Time to celebrate our independance by spending way too much money on fireworks (which are poisonous to humans and pets so be careful) made in Japan!!!! I know that is not what it is all about but but it is humorous!!
It is a time to reflect on how we got to where we are today though. Not just as a country but as individuals. Never Forget where we came from or those that came before us. Enjoy the time you get to spend with people that mean the most to you. Life is too fragile, I know I come off as anything but a humanist but there are good qualities in people and more of them need to act like they have some damn sense. im just sayin!!
How many of you get a long weekend? How many are going to dazzle the neighborhood with above stated foreworks? Have you ever wondered what it looks like if you were flying high in an airplane or from low orbit space? I bet that is the shit!!!! Me and the love were discussing this. Would you even be able to see it from space? I have always wondered!!
Switching gears, CM Punk. Cut an awesome promo on Monday Night RAW. If you seen it then you know. this guy has the alility to change the face of the current product. I feel WWE may be dropping the ball with this one. With out going too in depth he wants to leave after his contract is up and take the WWE belt with him. He cut a worked shoot downing everyone from HHH and Stef to vince and Johnny Ace. I havent seen anything like that since Stone Cold! They (WWE) really needs to not let this guy slip away, although I would like to see him win the belt and take it with him when he leaves. First of all WWE needs to get back to having one champion. It makes the belt have more meaning. Im all for that! We will see where they take it though!!!
Look at that a whole blog and not one rant about Obama!!! He is increasingly digging himself a hole and pulling dirt on top of himself in the process. I really hope he does not get another term!!! As Americans we cannot afford more of the garbage coming out of his mouth. All you have to do is listen to what he says and what he does. He is not doing what he was elected to do and therefore should not be allowed to continue.
No one has the balls to inpeach him, that would be considered racist. Its the content of his character not his skin color that makes him unworthy!!! Oops I ranted!
Back to the fun stuff!! Have you ever tried to teach a child to ride a bike with no training wheels? How about roller skating? It is CRAZY!!! Do you remember learning? I know what my mother went through now. As life flies by I realize more and more the hell I put my family through! They always said I will get all of it back three times worse... Guess what I have three kids..... damn parents are right again!! Funny how that happens!!!
I do hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy what we have!! Be careful out there! Please do not drink and drive and try not to injure yourself or anyone else with the fireworks!!! Dont let your friends drink and drive either!!!!! This public service was issued by Frosty ThaClown!!! Reminding you that: Im just sayin!!!!!
Live free and keep it that way
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Time Is Now And Space Is The Place
More than 1,400 National Guard soldiers were deployed Saturday night. I salute all of them and wish for their speedy healthy return along with those who are already there!!! I also salute those that have passed defending our freedoms. Freedoms that will not be taken for granted!!!!! It was a great ceremony and yours truly was holding back tears, (especially during the Star Spangled Banner! That song always chokes me up!!!) My lovely girlfriends father was one of those leaving. May his gods guide him safely back to his family also!!!
It has always hit home with me and if you know me you know my thoughts on this war. Hopefully this will be the end to this war we are in and we can get back to fixing the problems we have here! Im not going to go on a rant on this blog but trust me there is one coming!
The time is suppose to be getting close for the Annunaki to return. I wonder how that will shape up? (For those who do not know who they are google that name and read about how the Sumarians told of these people from another planet.) It IS the oldest recorded history of the world.
Two terrorist from Iraq were arrested here in Kentucky last week. Dont you think its time to close the borders? I do!! Their finger prints were found on IED's meant to kill Americans and no telling how many devices they made that actually succeded in killing Americans!! I say a short trial is needed then a quick execution is necessary!! Set an example and keep setting it until the world gets the hint!!!!
One more week of Soccer for the kids then the summer off! They all did great and next year will be a dominating year for the Soccer Monkeys and the Vikings. Both teams had winning seasons and with most of the players coming back and a few new coming to the Monkeys the fall season looks to be solid!!!! John boy will be in the lower leagues again and by the time he moves up he will be a solid player and he loves the sport so he has potential, Just dont forget the sunscreen!!!!!! Thats my white boy!!!
In closing, Macho Man Randy Savage one of if not the greatest of all time has left the building, That title was for him!! OOOHHHHHH YYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Until next time, I'm just sayin!!!!!!!! WWGWD?
It has always hit home with me and if you know me you know my thoughts on this war. Hopefully this will be the end to this war we are in and we can get back to fixing the problems we have here! Im not going to go on a rant on this blog but trust me there is one coming!
The time is suppose to be getting close for the Annunaki to return. I wonder how that will shape up? (For those who do not know who they are google that name and read about how the Sumarians told of these people from another planet.) It IS the oldest recorded history of the world.
Two terrorist from Iraq were arrested here in Kentucky last week. Dont you think its time to close the borders? I do!! Their finger prints were found on IED's meant to kill Americans and no telling how many devices they made that actually succeded in killing Americans!! I say a short trial is needed then a quick execution is necessary!! Set an example and keep setting it until the world gets the hint!!!!
One more week of Soccer for the kids then the summer off! They all did great and next year will be a dominating year for the Soccer Monkeys and the Vikings. Both teams had winning seasons and with most of the players coming back and a few new coming to the Monkeys the fall season looks to be solid!!!! John boy will be in the lower leagues again and by the time he moves up he will be a solid player and he loves the sport so he has potential, Just dont forget the sunscreen!!!!!! Thats my white boy!!!
In closing, Macho Man Randy Savage one of if not the greatest of all time has left the building, That title was for him!! OOOHHHHHH YYYEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Until next time, I'm just sayin!!!!!!!! WWGWD?
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day Blog
Thanks for coming back to hear me blab. I do wish I had more time on my hands to write more but alas this is reality!!! With three little ones and work and soccer and my LOVELY girlfriend time is short. But I will find time eventually. So here it is the newest installment if...
The American Made Blogger
Memorial Day Edition
What is Memorial Day? Do you really know? Do I really know? We Should!!!!
I always thought it was for veterans but there is a holiday for them. I thought is was a reason to get together with loved ones and cook some greasy American style foods but that happens all the time at my house. I also thought is was a day to remember the ones who have moved on from this world. Turns out I was right in many respects. I just didnt realize it. I do believe that we should take more than one day a year to remember all our loved ones and soldiers that have died and the soldiers that are still fighting. A great many of us do and there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of mine or the fallen ones who helped make this country great and the ones fighting to keep it that way!
Recently I found out that in Israel on their memorial day at a certain time in the whole country sirens go off. They blair across T.V., radio, from roof tops and towers. When those sirens go off EVERYONE stops to remember. EVERYONE and by that I mean the whole country stops. They stop driving in the streets and on the expressways, business shut down, phone conversations are stopped, people stop eating, For (I cant remember if its 90 seconds of two minutes) the country stops to remember those that have passed. That is powerful to me!!! I would like to see this country do such a thing!!!
I would also take this space to give my thanks to those still fighting to keep this country free!!! Someone very close to my loved one will be on their way to join the fight and I wish them the best and will see them upon a speedy return. Being part of a military family is something I have only recently encountered in the last 5 years, more so in the last two. I have tons of respect for those that send their spouses and parents and children off to fight to keep us alive and free!!
So in closing, While you are chomping down on that greazy burger or having the perfectly cooked steak or spiciest BBQ chicken leg take a few moments to remember your fellow Americans! Say hello to the neighbors and think of how great it would be if everyone had the same respect you do!!!! Im just sayin!!!!
The American Made Blogger
Memorial Day Edition
What is Memorial Day? Do you really know? Do I really know? We Should!!!!
I always thought it was for veterans but there is a holiday for them. I thought is was a reason to get together with loved ones and cook some greasy American style foods but that happens all the time at my house. I also thought is was a day to remember the ones who have moved on from this world. Turns out I was right in many respects. I just didnt realize it. I do believe that we should take more than one day a year to remember all our loved ones and soldiers that have died and the soldiers that are still fighting. A great many of us do and there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of mine or the fallen ones who helped make this country great and the ones fighting to keep it that way!
Recently I found out that in Israel on their memorial day at a certain time in the whole country sirens go off. They blair across T.V., radio, from roof tops and towers. When those sirens go off EVERYONE stops to remember. EVERYONE and by that I mean the whole country stops. They stop driving in the streets and on the expressways, business shut down, phone conversations are stopped, people stop eating, For (I cant remember if its 90 seconds of two minutes) the country stops to remember those that have passed. That is powerful to me!!! I would like to see this country do such a thing!!!
I would also take this space to give my thanks to those still fighting to keep this country free!!! Someone very close to my loved one will be on their way to join the fight and I wish them the best and will see them upon a speedy return. Being part of a military family is something I have only recently encountered in the last 5 years, more so in the last two. I have tons of respect for those that send their spouses and parents and children off to fight to keep us alive and free!!
So in closing, While you are chomping down on that greazy burger or having the perfectly cooked steak or spiciest BBQ chicken leg take a few moments to remember your fellow Americans! Say hello to the neighbors and think of how great it would be if everyone had the same respect you do!!!! Im just sayin!!!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Circus and Bread!!!!
Hello good readers! I would like to thank everyone who read my blog lately!! I have had more hits in the last week that I have had since I started!!!! I even got a great comment!!!!! Thanks who-ever that was!!!
I know you were watching on Saturday night and seen Kentucky lose to UConn by one point!! It was a great hard fought game, even coming back a few times from a ten point deficit!!! But alas UConn came out on top and are headed to the championship game to face Butler. My bracket has been all messed up from the get go and I dont have any care for the last two teams so for me March madness is over...... so...... bring on...............
It is on tonight son!!! I will probably watch it and give my review on here, weather pending, Monday!! Meaning if soccer practice is cancelled monday due to the inclement weather we are suppose to have then I will write a review. If not then I will squeeze it in or i could try to write a live review and post it after the show, We will see!!!
With The Rock and John Cena in a harsh exchange of words as of late and I look to The Miz the keep the gold in a sneaky way! I am a fan of Rock but I think Cena holds more with the kids and to see him get destroyed by the Rock would not be a great point to make to the kids. Hustle Loyalty and Respect and to have it shoved straight up your candy ass would be a bad move in my opinion at Wrestlemania.
Also Snooki is going to be there??? I have a few problems with this. First off what is a Snooki? Really WWE we dont need this. She is what 4 foot tall and in the ring with one of the greatest women wrestlers of all time. I look to Trish Stratus and Layla to carry the womens part of this match, but wait, two of the greatest up and comers are in this match!!! Really! yes really!!! John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler, Dolph is a former Heavyweight champ, for all of two hours, and John is the greatest not yet champion! He is established and needs a good title run by way of Miz to prove he is a player in the game! I think he is!!!! But I digress, Morrison, Trish and a Snooki for the win.
There is also a big match with Corre and a bunch of filler wrestlers that I will not even give a guess on because WWE has not really sold this match!!!
Alberto Del Rio!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is your next champ!!! He is going over Edge. My hope is that they put Christian and Edge back together and build up the tag-team division. We need some great tag-teams on the scene and Edge-Christian can help do just that!!!
Jerry Lawler over Michael Cole. Stone Cold as the referee, Jack Swagger in Cole's corner. I dont really know what to expect with this one other than King with the win and beers with the Rattlesnake!
CM Punk over Orton. Orton took out all of Nexus and I see Punk getting the redemption win. Orton is The Viper but his character is getting stale and a loss and a big change in attitude, remember when he said he was going to stop caring what everyone thinks, im still waiting. That would make him relevant again but I see Punk with the win and a fued with Miz in the future!
I also look for Sin Cara and Awesome Kong (under a new name) to debut in some form or fasion.
Those are my reasons for watching and predictions. What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading and "im just saying"
I know you were watching on Saturday night and seen Kentucky lose to UConn by one point!! It was a great hard fought game, even coming back a few times from a ten point deficit!!! But alas UConn came out on top and are headed to the championship game to face Butler. My bracket has been all messed up from the get go and I dont have any care for the last two teams so for me March madness is over...... so...... bring on...............
It is on tonight son!!! I will probably watch it and give my review on here, weather pending, Monday!! Meaning if soccer practice is cancelled monday due to the inclement weather we are suppose to have then I will write a review. If not then I will squeeze it in or i could try to write a live review and post it after the show, We will see!!!
With The Rock and John Cena in a harsh exchange of words as of late and I look to The Miz the keep the gold in a sneaky way! I am a fan of Rock but I think Cena holds more with the kids and to see him get destroyed by the Rock would not be a great point to make to the kids. Hustle Loyalty and Respect and to have it shoved straight up your candy ass would be a bad move in my opinion at Wrestlemania.
Also Snooki is going to be there??? I have a few problems with this. First off what is a Snooki? Really WWE we dont need this. She is what 4 foot tall and in the ring with one of the greatest women wrestlers of all time. I look to Trish Stratus and Layla to carry the womens part of this match, but wait, two of the greatest up and comers are in this match!!! Really! yes really!!! John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler, Dolph is a former Heavyweight champ, for all of two hours, and John is the greatest not yet champion! He is established and needs a good title run by way of Miz to prove he is a player in the game! I think he is!!!! But I digress, Morrison, Trish and a Snooki for the win.
There is also a big match with Corre and a bunch of filler wrestlers that I will not even give a guess on because WWE has not really sold this match!!!
Alberto Del Rio!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is your next champ!!! He is going over Edge. My hope is that they put Christian and Edge back together and build up the tag-team division. We need some great tag-teams on the scene and Edge-Christian can help do just that!!!
Jerry Lawler over Michael Cole. Stone Cold as the referee, Jack Swagger in Cole's corner. I dont really know what to expect with this one other than King with the win and beers with the Rattlesnake!
CM Punk over Orton. Orton took out all of Nexus and I see Punk getting the redemption win. Orton is The Viper but his character is getting stale and a loss and a big change in attitude, remember when he said he was going to stop caring what everyone thinks, im still waiting. That would make him relevant again but I see Punk with the win and a fued with Miz in the future!
I also look for Sin Cara and Awesome Kong (under a new name) to debut in some form or fasion.
Those are my reasons for watching and predictions. What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading and "im just saying"
Sunday, March 27, 2011
cry me a river, no offense to crybabies!!
Seriously folks, Is everyone so easily offended. I was reading the dirt sheets for wrestling this morning and aparently Michael Cole called Josh Mathews a faggot on twitter. He then in turn apologized and removed the post. The problem now is it offended some gay people somewhere that one straight guy called another straight guy a faggot. Really, REALLY!!! This is ludacris!!! Who cares for real. I dont care what people call each other, I could see if Mathews was gay and he asked him to stop and then he kept on. I could see that. But no, some org. called GLAAD is all mad and now WWE talents have to go to a sensitivity training class to learn what is offensive and to not say or do so you dont offend someone! I remember The Rock running Cole through the mud and called him every gay slur he could think of!!! No one got mad then, or it didnt get the coverage it is currently.
I dont have anything agianst gay people, oriental people, black people, homeless people, or even white people.
I am not offended by the flamboyant, the nuclear meltdown, gangsta rap, cardboard boxes, or not being able to dance!
But by all means dress better than me,
Fix the problem and learn from it so I dont suffer from your mistake,
Use the word nigga and dont get mad if I do,
You can ask for money doesnt mean im gonna give you any,
Get out there and shake it if you want!!!!
What I am offended by are the easily offended and stupid people!!!
Dress how you want, I will, Radiate your home, I wont, Say what you want, I will, Live how you want, I will, Grove if you want, I cant!!
I am also not sorry if I didnt include your type of people on this list. Get over it!!!! Im just sayin!!!
Sticks and stones my friends, sticks and stones!!!!
I needed to get that out there! Thanks for reading!!!
One last thing, Suggestions!! Does anyone have something they want me to write about or hear my opinion of or a poll type they want to see? Nothing is off limits!!!! Just leave a comment and let me know. I almost had a woman break my comment cherry yesterday but alas it is still intact!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Soccer Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!! WWGWD
I dont have anything agianst gay people, oriental people, black people, homeless people, or even white people.
I am not offended by the flamboyant, the nuclear meltdown, gangsta rap, cardboard boxes, or not being able to dance!
But by all means dress better than me,
Fix the problem and learn from it so I dont suffer from your mistake,
Use the word nigga and dont get mad if I do,
You can ask for money doesnt mean im gonna give you any,
Get out there and shake it if you want!!!!
What I am offended by are the easily offended and stupid people!!!
Dress how you want, I will, Radiate your home, I wont, Say what you want, I will, Live how you want, I will, Grove if you want, I cant!!
I am also not sorry if I didnt include your type of people on this list. Get over it!!!! Im just sayin!!!
Sticks and stones my friends, sticks and stones!!!!
I needed to get that out there! Thanks for reading!!!
One last thing, Suggestions!! Does anyone have something they want me to write about or hear my opinion of or a poll type they want to see? Nothing is off limits!!!! Just leave a comment and let me know. I almost had a woman break my comment cherry yesterday but alas it is still intact!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Soccer Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!! WWGWD
Friday, March 25, 2011
Kentucky Wildcats!!! Midnight Post!!!!
We got that win and it was hard earned!!!! I have seen my facebook blow-up in the last ten minutes!!!! Im gonna post a new poll and see who thinks will win the next game. I think you have to sign up to take the poll. Thats kool if you do if ya dont thats kool too!!!
more sports!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOCCER MONKEYS AND VIKINGS!!!!!!!!! I will be cheering on my girls teams tomorrow!!!!!
Good night everyone, im just sayin!!!!!
WWGWD......... cheering on the cats!!!!!!
more sports!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOCCER MONKEYS AND VIKINGS!!!!!!!!! I will be cheering on my girls teams tomorrow!!!!!
Good night everyone, im just sayin!!!!!
WWGWD......... cheering on the cats!!!!!!
Oh No!!!
Well it has been a wild few weeks!!!
Were you paying attention????
You should be. There is more trouble from Japan and their nuclear reactor. Aparently there was a breach in the containment and a few workers were seriously burned when they waded into a pool of water. Readings at the pool were 10,000 times more than they should be. That is catastrophic to say the least. I am not a nuclear expert but that is not good and with a leak like that that can only spell trouble for those in Japan and the rest of the world. Sadly we can only wait and see what will happen as we are powerless to do anything. Just be ready and make sure you have plenty of food and fresh water on hand to feed your family in the event you should need to kick in survival mode.
It is not out of the question "im just sayin"
I want to take this space to give rememberance to those that died and those that survived the tsunami. The body count keeps rising and it looks to be that there is upwards of 20,000 people lost to this tragedy, and maybe more if the nuclear plant isnt brought under control. A large scale disaster can happen anywhere so do your best to be prepared.
I hate watching the news and hearing doom and gloom and very few uplifting stories and it seems I am on this track this blog so here is the change up...
!!!!Spring is here!!!!! Time for cookouts and friends and family, watching the kids run with the beagle!!! Soccer practice and games!!! Kool refreshing drinks around a fire in the back yard!! The smell of meat searing on an open flame!!! Thats what im talking about!!!
Church picnics, I know but catholics sure do know how to party, Trips to the Zoo, we got a new polar bear!!!, playing at the park, I owe the boy a new football, beagle chewed it up!!! Long days cool nights fishing, spending time with the ones you love!!! Summer will be here soon, trees and flowers in bloom, yard work to be done, the beagle needs more holes to dig!!! Trips to the lake, lounging in the sun, cold beer and a beautiful woman!!
These are a few of my favorite things!! What about you???? Get out and enjoy life!!!!
How am I doing in your opinion with this blog? What would you like to see on here? What can make it better? Please share your opinion so I can make this blog better. I enjoy writing it and I hope you enjoy reading!!! Please share the link with your friends so I can have more readers! The more Readers and feedback I get the more it can grow!!!
Thanks Tim for subscribing and everyone else should too!!!!
Until next time this is The American Made Blogger sayin, im just sayin!!! WWGWD
Were you paying attention????
You should be. There is more trouble from Japan and their nuclear reactor. Aparently there was a breach in the containment and a few workers were seriously burned when they waded into a pool of water. Readings at the pool were 10,000 times more than they should be. That is catastrophic to say the least. I am not a nuclear expert but that is not good and with a leak like that that can only spell trouble for those in Japan and the rest of the world. Sadly we can only wait and see what will happen as we are powerless to do anything. Just be ready and make sure you have plenty of food and fresh water on hand to feed your family in the event you should need to kick in survival mode.
It is not out of the question "im just sayin"
I want to take this space to give rememberance to those that died and those that survived the tsunami. The body count keeps rising and it looks to be that there is upwards of 20,000 people lost to this tragedy, and maybe more if the nuclear plant isnt brought under control. A large scale disaster can happen anywhere so do your best to be prepared.
I hate watching the news and hearing doom and gloom and very few uplifting stories and it seems I am on this track this blog so here is the change up...
!!!!Spring is here!!!!! Time for cookouts and friends and family, watching the kids run with the beagle!!! Soccer practice and games!!! Kool refreshing drinks around a fire in the back yard!! The smell of meat searing on an open flame!!! Thats what im talking about!!!
Church picnics, I know but catholics sure do know how to party, Trips to the Zoo, we got a new polar bear!!!, playing at the park, I owe the boy a new football, beagle chewed it up!!! Long days cool nights fishing, spending time with the ones you love!!! Summer will be here soon, trees and flowers in bloom, yard work to be done, the beagle needs more holes to dig!!! Trips to the lake, lounging in the sun, cold beer and a beautiful woman!!
These are a few of my favorite things!! What about you???? Get out and enjoy life!!!!
How am I doing in your opinion with this blog? What would you like to see on here? What can make it better? Please share your opinion so I can make this blog better. I enjoy writing it and I hope you enjoy reading!!! Please share the link with your friends so I can have more readers! The more Readers and feedback I get the more it can grow!!!
Thanks Tim for subscribing and everyone else should too!!!!
Until next time this is The American Made Blogger sayin, im just sayin!!! WWGWD
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Wonderful Randomness
Hello there and thanks for stopping by once again!!! Welcome back to the American Made Blogger!!!!
Here I go shall I RANDOM THOUGHTS for ya?
(1) Westboro Baptist Church. These moronic fuckers are picketing service men and womens funerals because they think "God is sending a message to America that he hates fags and we are being punished for the sins and accepting fags in America!" I have nothing against gay people and know quite a few actually. I would even choose to have some fighting along side me defending the constitution and am proud to call them family and friends!!! What I do have a problem with is a bunch of closet homosexuals praying to a made up god (yes, I went there), living by made up rules that were supposedly handed down from said made up god, harassing others to make themselves look better in their own eyes and the eyes of a made up god! Get real fuckers! Doesn't your God teach compassion and love for ALL men, forgiveness and repentance! These idiots cand even follow there own book of faith correctly end then expect to be taken seriously. I bet even there God is laughing at them on the sidelines thinking what the hell are these jackasses talking about!!! Im just saying!!!
(2) God, god, GODS, or none at all. Let me clarify one thing real quick. I DO NOT believe in a god or gods. I believe that we are here on this planet and have been for longer than we really know. If we dont take care of it we will lose the game of life once again. we are but parasites on this world and can be wiped out at any point and it will be beyond our control. Some may survive most will not and a few remnants will remain and if there are any survivors they will look at those remains as we look at Stonehenge and the Pyramids and Mayan temples and wonder who really built them and for what purpose!
That being said I will not hold it against you or anyone else for what you believe unless you show me your intellegence level is so low that you should be exempt from the human race and should not be allowed to breed. Natural selection has been the ruling way of life for millions and millions of years until us humans come along and try to change that and now look at us. We are overrun with blooming idiots, rapist, child molestors, murderers, mentally ill people of all sorts of nature, and people who can't interpret reality to save thier own lives!!!Sheesh!!! What has our world come too?!!!!
For what its worth he should have stayed gone. He come back for one night, cut a promo trashing the top guy in the ring these days. Then cut a promo talking about how much he loves the fans, from his living room, REALLY, REALLY, Well that is just crap. If he beats Cena at WM then I will be surely upset with the product as a whole. I really need to be a writer on that product. I could write some really good story lines and boost ratings because I am a fan and I know what fans want to see!! There is a great Idea for a blog entry!!!!! Frosty wrestling showdown!! I might just work on that!!!!!
(4)From My Oldest, Flowers,
Me and My girlfriend have had our two year anniversary this past week and I bought her a couple things of flowers. One of them was crazy daiseys. all different colors and were really pretty. The rest were more wild flowers. She liked them and so did the kids! Check out crazy daiseys for your lady if you need something different from the normal flowers you may or may not get her! LOL I sound like an Ad.
(5) Kids. They are some wonderful people! I love mine and they are sooo goofy. They do get it honestly, I am like a big kid myself! Hell I even got a job that lets me play in the dirt EVERYDAY!!!! All im saying is love our youth and lets teach them to take control of their actions and be responsible. The human race depends on us to do the right thing for our kids!!!
I want all of you to have a great day and many more till we meet again, This is The American Made Blogger saying "im just sayin" and dont forget to comment. I havent got any comments yet! Whats up with that!!! N E Ways WWGWD!!!
Here I go shall I RANDOM THOUGHTS for ya?
(1) Westboro Baptist Church. These moronic fuckers are picketing service men and womens funerals because they think "God is sending a message to America that he hates fags and we are being punished for the sins and accepting fags in America!" I have nothing against gay people and know quite a few actually. I would even choose to have some fighting along side me defending the constitution and am proud to call them family and friends!!! What I do have a problem with is a bunch of closet homosexuals praying to a made up god (yes, I went there), living by made up rules that were supposedly handed down from said made up god, harassing others to make themselves look better in their own eyes and the eyes of a made up god! Get real fuckers! Doesn't your God teach compassion and love for ALL men, forgiveness and repentance! These idiots cand even follow there own book of faith correctly end then expect to be taken seriously. I bet even there God is laughing at them on the sidelines thinking what the hell are these jackasses talking about!!! Im just saying!!!
(2) God, god, GODS, or none at all. Let me clarify one thing real quick. I DO NOT believe in a god or gods. I believe that we are here on this planet and have been for longer than we really know. If we dont take care of it we will lose the game of life once again. we are but parasites on this world and can be wiped out at any point and it will be beyond our control. Some may survive most will not and a few remnants will remain and if there are any survivors they will look at those remains as we look at Stonehenge and the Pyramids and Mayan temples and wonder who really built them and for what purpose!
That being said I will not hold it against you or anyone else for what you believe unless you show me your intellegence level is so low that you should be exempt from the human race and should not be allowed to breed. Natural selection has been the ruling way of life for millions and millions of years until us humans come along and try to change that and now look at us. We are overrun with blooming idiots, rapist, child molestors, murderers, mentally ill people of all sorts of nature, and people who can't interpret reality to save thier own lives!!!Sheesh!!! What has our world come too?!!!!
For what its worth he should have stayed gone. He come back for one night, cut a promo trashing the top guy in the ring these days. Then cut a promo talking about how much he loves the fans, from his living room, REALLY, REALLY, Well that is just crap. If he beats Cena at WM then I will be surely upset with the product as a whole. I really need to be a writer on that product. I could write some really good story lines and boost ratings because I am a fan and I know what fans want to see!! There is a great Idea for a blog entry!!!!! Frosty wrestling showdown!! I might just work on that!!!!!
(4)From My Oldest, Flowers,
Me and My girlfriend have had our two year anniversary this past week and I bought her a couple things of flowers. One of them was crazy daiseys. all different colors and were really pretty. The rest were more wild flowers. She liked them and so did the kids! Check out crazy daiseys for your lady if you need something different from the normal flowers you may or may not get her! LOL I sound like an Ad.
(5) Kids. They are some wonderful people! I love mine and they are sooo goofy. They do get it honestly, I am like a big kid myself! Hell I even got a job that lets me play in the dirt EVERYDAY!!!! All im saying is love our youth and lets teach them to take control of their actions and be responsible. The human race depends on us to do the right thing for our kids!!!
I want all of you to have a great day and many more till we meet again, This is The American Made Blogger saying "im just sayin" and dont forget to comment. I havent got any comments yet! Whats up with that!!! N E Ways WWGWD!!!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
American and will!
It seens as though Old Glory, otherwise known as Betsy, is lookin a little tattered these days! After much consideration about getting a new one along with the Flag of Gasden, I have decided to get both and proudly display them on my abode! But back to Betsy, she has been a grand ol' flag and a high flying flag, and in WAR time she has waved! so I will do the American and patriotic thing and respectfully fold her up and place her in the fire-pit on my patio on a cool spring night! I would rather do this than take her to a VFW or a Legion post and have someone else do it, after all she has waved at my house for almost two years now so I should and will be the one to send her to that big flagpole in the sky! Pun intended! It is also a way for me to show the kids how to properly dispose of her and maybe teach them a little respect for the flag and our country and what she stands for! All this will take place shortly after I buy me a new Betsy and a new Gasden! It will be a small little ceremony, no event on facebook or anything, and I might even have The Star Spangled Banner playing softly in the background!!
BTW, Betsy is what my Nan Nan always called her cars!
I do hope everyone is paying attention to what is going on around the world! There is revolution brewing everywhere and we here in America will pay for it unless we have a revolution of our own! Thomas Jefferson said that we would have to have a revolution every generation for our country to succeed the way it was intended! We have failed him and our founding fathers and now it is almost too late! But together we stand and we can take back our country from the tyrants that run it these days and put respectable people in office that want to see America win!!!
I am a great American, a Tea-partier, a truther, a birther, a gun toting, meat eating, red blooded, patriotic, AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day everyone and if you read this you are the resistance!!!!
BTW, Betsy is what my Nan Nan always called her cars!
I do hope everyone is paying attention to what is going on around the world! There is revolution brewing everywhere and we here in America will pay for it unless we have a revolution of our own! Thomas Jefferson said that we would have to have a revolution every generation for our country to succeed the way it was intended! We have failed him and our founding fathers and now it is almost too late! But together we stand and we can take back our country from the tyrants that run it these days and put respectable people in office that want to see America win!!!
I am a great American, a Tea-partier, a truther, a birther, a gun toting, meat eating, red blooded, patriotic, AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day everyone and if you read this you are the resistance!!!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
10 Thoughts for the week. JAN. 16-22 2011
Welcome back my fellow humans to an all new, exciting, spectacular, so awesome you should tell your friends 10 Random Thoughts!!!! Not really but hey, one can dream cant he!!! Any ways I hope you all had a great week as I know I did, thanks for coming back, and now on with the thoughts!!
1. History. Did you see the Bosnian pyramids yet? People are arguing as to if it was man made or not. It is bigger than the one at Giza. Some say it is natural made others say it was man made. From my perspective it looks man made. Supposedly it looks like the Pyramid of the sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, therefore it is being called the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. There are four other pyramids in the area with respective names of the cosmos. They were recently named. Along with being discovered within the last 5-10 years and the mysterious nature of them, (people have been living there for thousands of years and didnt realize there were pyramids next to them.) not much is known. All I know is there are a lot of pyramids around the world and we really know nothing about their true origins and how they were build. And NO I do not believe the egyptians built the pyramids with slaves. I think they are a lot older than we are told. I have a gut feeling( and I have a pretty big gut and I will listen to it!) there is alot we dont know! Here is a link to get you started on that, enjoy! http://www.bosnianpyramid.com/
2. Lost History. Along that subject... Atlantis!!!!!! Was It real? If so where was it? How could a whole continent dissapear? Well I have an idea. Antartica! Makes perfest sense to me. There is an ice sheet 3 miles thick in spots down there. We may be surprised by whats under all that ice. The Pilliars of Hercules that lead to Atlantis, how about the tips of Africa and South America. The ATLANTIC ocean could lead to and have been named after ATLANTIS! Did you read about Coral castle on my last blog? The guy who built that claimed to be reincarnated and once lived in Atlantis and he knew how the Pyramids at Giza were built. After seeing what he accomplished I am unwilling not to take his word for it!!!
3. Undiscovered History. Ever notice that asteroid belt in between Mars and Jupiter? Ever notice how our moon looks? Have you seen the huge craters here on our own planet? What if the asteroid belt was a planet that was cataclysmically destroyed by a meteor or the people living there? What if this was how we got our start as intelligent beings here on Earth? Did you know the Myans had 13 zodiacs? Did you know each zodiac has a ruling planet? We would have to have 13 planets wouldn't we? Did you know astronomers have discovered 3 more "planetoids" in our solar system? Would the 9 we have, counting Pluto as a planet, plus the 3 new ones, along with one that was destroyed equal 13? Did you noticed I asked nothing but questions in that one?
4. Weird Stuff. As I sit here and enjoy come Columbian coffee I cant help but think of the worlds most expensive coffee. Aparently some kind of cat eats the coffee beans and some people go out and pick up the cat shit and wash the beans off and finish the process. I dont know about you but no thanks. I dont need to pay extra for cat shit coffee. I dont even really like cats that much (We do have a really cool cat right now though.) much less enough to drink coffee made from their shit! BOOM TECKA!!! Thats for you babe! People are weird!!!
5. NFL. Im gonna make my prediction for this week. I see the Jets over the Steelers. Mainly I want to see Pitt lose. Then I want the Bears over the Packers. Mainly for no reason other than the old SNL skit! DA BEARS!!!
6. Kids. I love kids! I have 3 for those that dont know. They are the best. Even when they are sick, they just wanna cuddle and be held its the best thing ever to be wanted. I know there will come a day when they are like "dad dont hug me infront of my friends, your so lame!" but until then I will enjoy it!!! If you have kids you know what I mean!
7. Wrestling. Matt Hardy has joined his brother on TNA. Hopefully we will see a Hardy Boyz reuinion. I havent got a chance to watch his return yet but I have it on my DVR. Its just a matter of time. They were my favorite tag team ever and for what ever reason WWE dropped the ball on tag-team wrestling. TNA has a chance to elevate it to new heights. I also feel that wrestling would benefit from a womens tag-team championship! There are some really good female wrestlers on the scene, along with some pretty bad ones, but a tag-team for them could help boost their level of importance in the wrestling business!!! I am all for womens wrestling getting a big push this year. There are some that feel women shouldn't wrestle but not me, let them get in there and showcase their skills!!!!
8. NASCAR. I know its early but I cant help myself!! Kasey Kahne looks to be in the seat of one of the Redbull Cars for the 2011 season before his contract with Hendrick Motorsports starts in the 2012 season. Where ever he is at I will be cheerin him on and hopefully I can make it to the debut race at Kentucky Speedway this year! I have never been to a NASCAR race and I really look forward to attending this event and gettin drunk off may ass and all out enjoying myself that day! Speaking of Hendrick they already have the TOP drivers on the team and with Mark Martin leaving next year that leaves the Champ Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr. and Kasey Kahne. 2012 Looks to be a lock for them that season and from there on out with drivers like that and pit crews that also top the charts! Also will we see more from Danica Patrick? She has proven to be able to hang with the boys in open wheel cars. Can she keep up in NASCAR? only time will tell!! Lets go racin boys and girls!!!
9. News. The Arizona representive Gabrielle Giffords was moved to Houston for rehab on friday. Im glad she is doing better and she survived a gunshot wound to the head. She has a long road ahead of her but aparently she is strong so I think her future looks good! I wish her and her family the best!!!!
10. Stupid people. Did you see that woman who fell in the fountain while walking and texting? Now she is suing! What the fuck is that shit? This bumb broad can't text and watch where she is going and somehow feels the mall is liable to compensate her dumbass!!! Seriously I believe the judge should throw out her case but not before banning this woman from EVER having a cell phone again! They should also take away her drivers license and ability to reproduce and degrade the human gene pool any further than she already has!!! Thats just this bloggers opinion!!! What a bumb bitch!!!!!
Well that's my thoughts for this Saturday mornin. Its time to bake a cake for my Boy's birthday and lay around on this snow covered day with my love and the kiddos and a few family members eating some goat bar-b-que!!! That's what im talking about! I hope your day is as good as ours is!!!! Thanks for reading and feedback good or bad is always welcome just tell me what you think if you read it!
Thanks again,
Frosty ThaClown
1. History. Did you see the Bosnian pyramids yet? People are arguing as to if it was man made or not. It is bigger than the one at Giza. Some say it is natural made others say it was man made. From my perspective it looks man made. Supposedly it looks like the Pyramid of the sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, therefore it is being called the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. There are four other pyramids in the area with respective names of the cosmos. They were recently named. Along with being discovered within the last 5-10 years and the mysterious nature of them, (people have been living there for thousands of years and didnt realize there were pyramids next to them.) not much is known. All I know is there are a lot of pyramids around the world and we really know nothing about their true origins and how they were build. And NO I do not believe the egyptians built the pyramids with slaves. I think they are a lot older than we are told. I have a gut feeling( and I have a pretty big gut and I will listen to it!) there is alot we dont know! Here is a link to get you started on that, enjoy! http://www.bosnianpyramid.com/
2. Lost History. Along that subject... Atlantis!!!!!! Was It real? If so where was it? How could a whole continent dissapear? Well I have an idea. Antartica! Makes perfest sense to me. There is an ice sheet 3 miles thick in spots down there. We may be surprised by whats under all that ice. The Pilliars of Hercules that lead to Atlantis, how about the tips of Africa and South America. The ATLANTIC ocean could lead to and have been named after ATLANTIS! Did you read about Coral castle on my last blog? The guy who built that claimed to be reincarnated and once lived in Atlantis and he knew how the Pyramids at Giza were built. After seeing what he accomplished I am unwilling not to take his word for it!!!
3. Undiscovered History. Ever notice that asteroid belt in between Mars and Jupiter? Ever notice how our moon looks? Have you seen the huge craters here on our own planet? What if the asteroid belt was a planet that was cataclysmically destroyed by a meteor or the people living there? What if this was how we got our start as intelligent beings here on Earth? Did you know the Myans had 13 zodiacs? Did you know each zodiac has a ruling planet? We would have to have 13 planets wouldn't we? Did you know astronomers have discovered 3 more "planetoids" in our solar system? Would the 9 we have, counting Pluto as a planet, plus the 3 new ones, along with one that was destroyed equal 13? Did you noticed I asked nothing but questions in that one?
4. Weird Stuff. As I sit here and enjoy come Columbian coffee I cant help but think of the worlds most expensive coffee. Aparently some kind of cat eats the coffee beans and some people go out and pick up the cat shit and wash the beans off and finish the process. I dont know about you but no thanks. I dont need to pay extra for cat shit coffee. I dont even really like cats that much (We do have a really cool cat right now though.) much less enough to drink coffee made from their shit! BOOM TECKA!!! Thats for you babe! People are weird!!!
5. NFL. Im gonna make my prediction for this week. I see the Jets over the Steelers. Mainly I want to see Pitt lose. Then I want the Bears over the Packers. Mainly for no reason other than the old SNL skit! DA BEARS!!!
6. Kids. I love kids! I have 3 for those that dont know. They are the best. Even when they are sick, they just wanna cuddle and be held its the best thing ever to be wanted. I know there will come a day when they are like "dad dont hug me infront of my friends, your so lame!" but until then I will enjoy it!!! If you have kids you know what I mean!
7. Wrestling. Matt Hardy has joined his brother on TNA. Hopefully we will see a Hardy Boyz reuinion. I havent got a chance to watch his return yet but I have it on my DVR. Its just a matter of time. They were my favorite tag team ever and for what ever reason WWE dropped the ball on tag-team wrestling. TNA has a chance to elevate it to new heights. I also feel that wrestling would benefit from a womens tag-team championship! There are some really good female wrestlers on the scene, along with some pretty bad ones, but a tag-team for them could help boost their level of importance in the wrestling business!!! I am all for womens wrestling getting a big push this year. There are some that feel women shouldn't wrestle but not me, let them get in there and showcase their skills!!!!
8. NASCAR. I know its early but I cant help myself!! Kasey Kahne looks to be in the seat of one of the Redbull Cars for the 2011 season before his contract with Hendrick Motorsports starts in the 2012 season. Where ever he is at I will be cheerin him on and hopefully I can make it to the debut race at Kentucky Speedway this year! I have never been to a NASCAR race and I really look forward to attending this event and gettin drunk off may ass and all out enjoying myself that day! Speaking of Hendrick they already have the TOP drivers on the team and with Mark Martin leaving next year that leaves the Champ Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, Dale Jr. and Kasey Kahne. 2012 Looks to be a lock for them that season and from there on out with drivers like that and pit crews that also top the charts! Also will we see more from Danica Patrick? She has proven to be able to hang with the boys in open wheel cars. Can she keep up in NASCAR? only time will tell!! Lets go racin boys and girls!!!
9. News. The Arizona representive Gabrielle Giffords was moved to Houston for rehab on friday. Im glad she is doing better and she survived a gunshot wound to the head. She has a long road ahead of her but aparently she is strong so I think her future looks good! I wish her and her family the best!!!!
10. Stupid people. Did you see that woman who fell in the fountain while walking and texting? Now she is suing! What the fuck is that shit? This bumb broad can't text and watch where she is going and somehow feels the mall is liable to compensate her dumbass!!! Seriously I believe the judge should throw out her case but not before banning this woman from EVER having a cell phone again! They should also take away her drivers license and ability to reproduce and degrade the human gene pool any further than she already has!!! Thats just this bloggers opinion!!! What a bumb bitch!!!!!
Well that's my thoughts for this Saturday mornin. Its time to bake a cake for my Boy's birthday and lay around on this snow covered day with my love and the kiddos and a few family members eating some goat bar-b-que!!! That's what im talking about! I hope your day is as good as ours is!!!! Thanks for reading and feedback good or bad is always welcome just tell me what you think if you read it!
Thanks again,
Frosty ThaClown
Saturday, January 15, 2011
10 (random) Thoughts for the week
Welcome to my blog where everything is on the table!!! Im gonna do a weekly Saturday blog called 10 Random thoughts where anything goes!!! So here goes!!!
1. Wrestling. The Miz is awesome!!! I think he will remain WWE champion until he headlines Wrestlemania. Its important to build him up and build John Morrison up for the set-up of the match of the year! They are doing a great job showcasing new talent for the new generation!!!
2. Wrestling 2. I still think Kane got screwed by them giving Edge the belt. He is closing in on the end of his career and he should go out in top like the Big Red Machine should. maybe they will have it go that way but one can only hope and keep watching to see!!!
3. Local Politics. Because of the shooting by that nut-job in AZ one of our local public servants feels the need to try to ban assault weapons. Get real this is Kentucky! We are rednecks and we love our guns and our freedoms and we want it to stay that way!! Banning weapons will only cause law-abiding citizens like myself lose the ability do defend our selves and property against criminals, or cause us to be considered criminals for not turning in our guns!!! DONT MESS WITH THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!
4. Personal Note. On a social networking site someone called me un-American for telling someone else they were a communist because of that persons view points. Hey if the shoe fits! I told the other person to study communisim and socialism and then question my patriotism... guess what they havent responded. SURPRIZE!!! Damn commies!!
5 Weather. Where is the global warming? I was reading an article from 1976 and it was talking about the coming ice age. ICE AGE!! It only took them 25 years to change their mind on something that has been happening since our planet has had an atmosphere! Here is an Idea, You have no clue what is going on so stop trying to hype up your agendas with fear tactics! I deal with facts and the fact remains that for millions of years our planet has gone through cycles of weather and pole shifts that directly affect the weather. My educated guess would be that it will continue long after our race is whiped clean from this planet like the virus we have become!!! I love this planet and how far we have come but if we dont change some things like living in harmony with the planet our time on here will be limited. It's not all our fault but fact remains that there are very few dinosaurs still around.
6. Economy. Have you seen the price of gold and silver? How about the price of oil and gas. The American dollar is becoming worthless. The Federal Reserve just keeps printing money making it worth less and less. Here is a fun fact, 100 years ago a $20 gold piece would buy you a nice suit. That same $20 dollar piece today will still buy you a nice suit. Make sense? It should!!
7. Economy 2. The price of coffee is also at an all time high due to struggling economies around the world coupled with demand! Coffee is not the only thing trending in that fashion almost all commodities that we use daily are ramping up in price. When will it end? Who can say, maybe when the whole world is like a third world country and our population is at an all time low? Im Just Sayin!
8. Misc. Here is an interesting one for ya. http://www.thegeorgiaguidestones.com/Message.htm The Georga guidestones. In our own back yard none the less. Comissioned by an unknown individual, made of granite to stand the test of time and astronomicaly aligned. Very mysterious indeed!!!
9 Misc. 2. Coral Castle. http://coralcastle.com/ This guy knew something the rest of us don't! I encourage you to read into the creator of this marvelous work of art of monolithic proportions!! Absolutely amazing!!!!
10. NFL. My teams are out but my girlfriend is pulling for the Ravens. I can dig it and I hope they "GO-ALL-THE-WAY"!!!!! I will be watching, I have ho do something until NASCAR starts back up! BTW the first ever SPRINT CUP race at the KENTUCKY SPEEDWAY will be run this year and I really hope to be there for it. It will be alot of firsts for me and It should be great!!!!
Well thats that! Was it random enough? Tell me what you think good or bad I can take it! Feedback is always welcome and it will help me improve my blog for the readers(even though I dont have many right now)!! Thanks again and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frosty ThaClown
1. Wrestling. The Miz is awesome!!! I think he will remain WWE champion until he headlines Wrestlemania. Its important to build him up and build John Morrison up for the set-up of the match of the year! They are doing a great job showcasing new talent for the new generation!!!
2. Wrestling 2. I still think Kane got screwed by them giving Edge the belt. He is closing in on the end of his career and he should go out in top like the Big Red Machine should. maybe they will have it go that way but one can only hope and keep watching to see!!!
3. Local Politics. Because of the shooting by that nut-job in AZ one of our local public servants feels the need to try to ban assault weapons. Get real this is Kentucky! We are rednecks and we love our guns and our freedoms and we want it to stay that way!! Banning weapons will only cause law-abiding citizens like myself lose the ability do defend our selves and property against criminals, or cause us to be considered criminals for not turning in our guns!!! DONT MESS WITH THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!
4. Personal Note. On a social networking site someone called me un-American for telling someone else they were a communist because of that persons view points. Hey if the shoe fits! I told the other person to study communisim and socialism and then question my patriotism... guess what they havent responded. SURPRIZE!!! Damn commies!!
5 Weather. Where is the global warming? I was reading an article from 1976 and it was talking about the coming ice age. ICE AGE!! It only took them 25 years to change their mind on something that has been happening since our planet has had an atmosphere! Here is an Idea, You have no clue what is going on so stop trying to hype up your agendas with fear tactics! I deal with facts and the fact remains that for millions of years our planet has gone through cycles of weather and pole shifts that directly affect the weather. My educated guess would be that it will continue long after our race is whiped clean from this planet like the virus we have become!!! I love this planet and how far we have come but if we dont change some things like living in harmony with the planet our time on here will be limited. It's not all our fault but fact remains that there are very few dinosaurs still around.
6. Economy. Have you seen the price of gold and silver? How about the price of oil and gas. The American dollar is becoming worthless. The Federal Reserve just keeps printing money making it worth less and less. Here is a fun fact, 100 years ago a $20 gold piece would buy you a nice suit. That same $20 dollar piece today will still buy you a nice suit. Make sense? It should!!
7. Economy 2. The price of coffee is also at an all time high due to struggling economies around the world coupled with demand! Coffee is not the only thing trending in that fashion almost all commodities that we use daily are ramping up in price. When will it end? Who can say, maybe when the whole world is like a third world country and our population is at an all time low? Im Just Sayin!
8. Misc. Here is an interesting one for ya. http://www.thegeorgiaguidestones.com/Message.htm The Georga guidestones. In our own back yard none the less. Comissioned by an unknown individual, made of granite to stand the test of time and astronomicaly aligned. Very mysterious indeed!!!
9 Misc. 2. Coral Castle. http://coralcastle.com/ This guy knew something the rest of us don't! I encourage you to read into the creator of this marvelous work of art of monolithic proportions!! Absolutely amazing!!!!
10. NFL. My teams are out but my girlfriend is pulling for the Ravens. I can dig it and I hope they "GO-ALL-THE-WAY"!!!!! I will be watching, I have ho do something until NASCAR starts back up! BTW the first ever SPRINT CUP race at the KENTUCKY SPEEDWAY will be run this year and I really hope to be there for it. It will be alot of firsts for me and It should be great!!!!
Well thats that! Was it random enough? Tell me what you think good or bad I can take it! Feedback is always welcome and it will help me improve my blog for the readers(even though I dont have many right now)!! Thanks again and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frosty ThaClown
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday mornin thoughts.
Lets see... what are people thinking.... walking up and opening fire in a crowd of people, killing a 9 year old girl, and many others!! This guy should be strung up and executed publicly!!!! I'm a firm believer in public executions, that is something our government should do that would help curb some of the violence we are seeing in our world. Granted it wont stop all of it but it will stop most, I think people would think about it before they commit senseless acts of violence! I heard that little girls dad on the radio last night and I almost cried along with him because I couldnt imagine what I would do if that was one of my children. I guarantee I would have been that bystander who apprehended him and he probably would not have been alive when the police showed up, I'm just sayin!!!
I dont have much faith in the judicial system, which is where this guy will be for the next 20 years, as some one who is experiencing it first-hand, and watches what goes on around me with your David Camm and all his re-trials, and child molesters who get released from prison(who are a burden on society, another group of people who should be executed publicly!), women who murder their children, (which most could have been prevented because those children are wanted by someone) fathers who are fighting for their children(like myself), and countless other cases that are tied up in the courts and supreme courts costing taxpayers like me and you countless dollars. What are we paying these "public servants" for, to waste our dollars? I'm just sayin!!
Also what is up with the price of gas these days? I mean really, I read in my local paper the the price increase is due to Americans using less fuel... what... do you expect me to believe that!!! I learned in middle school about supply and demand and that is NOT the case there. You might get some of the population to believe that, probably the same ones you have convinced that a plane hit the pentagon, the government didnt have anything to do with 911, and Barry Sortoro is an American citizen, but not me and not a whole bunch of informed Americans! Yes most of the populations are useless eaters and sheeple but not all of us!!!
I will end the rant here today, for even though I get to have a late start I still have a ton of things to do and with the possibility of a snow storm on the way(which should give me more time to get another blog up here) I need to be ready for anything!!! You should too!!! I'M JUST SAYIN!!!!
I dont have much faith in the judicial system, which is where this guy will be for the next 20 years, as some one who is experiencing it first-hand, and watches what goes on around me with your David Camm and all his re-trials, and child molesters who get released from prison(who are a burden on society, another group of people who should be executed publicly!), women who murder their children, (which most could have been prevented because those children are wanted by someone) fathers who are fighting for their children(like myself), and countless other cases that are tied up in the courts and supreme courts costing taxpayers like me and you countless dollars. What are we paying these "public servants" for, to waste our dollars? I'm just sayin!!
Also what is up with the price of gas these days? I mean really, I read in my local paper the the price increase is due to Americans using less fuel... what... do you expect me to believe that!!! I learned in middle school about supply and demand and that is NOT the case there. You might get some of the population to believe that, probably the same ones you have convinced that a plane hit the pentagon, the government didnt have anything to do with 911, and Barry Sortoro is an American citizen, but not me and not a whole bunch of informed Americans! Yes most of the populations are useless eaters and sheeple but not all of us!!!
I will end the rant here today, for even though I get to have a late start I still have a ton of things to do and with the possibility of a snow storm on the way(which should give me more time to get another blog up here) I need to be ready for anything!!! You should too!!! I'M JUST SAYIN!!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What can I say? It is a new year, so lets enjoy what we have shall we!!!
First off your reading this so your on the right side of the sod. But what about those birds and fish and crabs that have died all over the world for no aparent reason? Whats up with that? Is someone or a group of someones perfecting something???? Im Just Sayin!
How about that global warming? Im thinking we are due for another pole shift! They have happened several times in the past, why not now or in the near future? I have always wondered what was really under all that ice in Antartica! Lost civilization, maybe a pyramid or two?
Speaking of pyramids did you know they found one in Boznia? Aparently its so old the trees are covering it and they didnt know it was there! Search for Boznian pyramid and check it out its pretty kool. (Once I figure this blog out I will post more links and photos of what I am writing about.)
I will throw out a few names for you to look up if you havent already. Try George Noory, Jesse Ventura, Whitley Streiber, and i'll throw Rand Paul in there just to mix it up a little. I dont want to be one sided so check out the opposition of these people if you can. Grab all the info you can and do with it what you will! The more informed WE THE PEOPLE are the better off WE THE PEOPLE will be!!
On a less serious note check out my Video game alter-ego I have created! You can find it at my youtube channel, Just search Frosty ThaClown and you will find me there! While your at it subscribe. I have lots of ideas for videos and I am learning how to edit so it should only get better!
I hope you all have a great year and keep reading and viewing!!! and thank you!!!
Love life... I know I do!!!!
First off your reading this so your on the right side of the sod. But what about those birds and fish and crabs that have died all over the world for no aparent reason? Whats up with that? Is someone or a group of someones perfecting something???? Im Just Sayin!
How about that global warming? Im thinking we are due for another pole shift! They have happened several times in the past, why not now or in the near future? I have always wondered what was really under all that ice in Antartica! Lost civilization, maybe a pyramid or two?
Speaking of pyramids did you know they found one in Boznia? Aparently its so old the trees are covering it and they didnt know it was there! Search for Boznian pyramid and check it out its pretty kool. (Once I figure this blog out I will post more links and photos of what I am writing about.)
I will throw out a few names for you to look up if you havent already. Try George Noory, Jesse Ventura, Whitley Streiber, and i'll throw Rand Paul in there just to mix it up a little. I dont want to be one sided so check out the opposition of these people if you can. Grab all the info you can and do with it what you will! The more informed WE THE PEOPLE are the better off WE THE PEOPLE will be!!
On a less serious note check out my Video game alter-ego I have created! You can find it at my youtube channel, Just search Frosty ThaClown and you will find me there! While your at it subscribe. I have lots of ideas for videos and I am learning how to edit so it should only get better!
I hope you all have a great year and keep reading and viewing!!! and thank you!!!
Love life... I know I do!!!!
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