Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hello My fellow Americans, and those from around the world who may be reading this!

Its that time again. The time for cookouts, kids running around the yard, fantastic firework displays, that drunk guy who insist on jumping over the fireworks, you know these guys! But is all the hustle and potato salad, cole slaw, and charbroiled burgers and Red, White, and Blue banners My hope is that each and every one of us take a few minutes to remember what this all means, how we got here, where we are heading and how we can continue to keep this country great for future generations!

Lets start with The Declaration of Independence shall we. The colonist had decided enough is enough when it came to a tyrannical king who didnt have the peoples best interest at heart. Over run with military, taxes, and an unfair judicial system to list a few, they were done. Those who signed the declaration knew that when they put their names in ink that there was no going back and they would be marked men. If I remember history correctly most of them were killed shortly after it was signed. They had angered the king, and there would be payback from him. Knowing this they went forward and are still remembered to this day as some of Americas greatest Patriots! Many are still quoted and their quotes still ring true over two centuries later.

What was it they said that angered the king so much? Was it exposing his tyranny and telling the truth? Was it that they wanted to be free of him and out from under his boot of rule? Was it the king knew if he lost these subjects it would show weakness in his crown and possibly cause others to follow the colonist in rebellion? Or was it the money he would no longer be getting? I bet each had their role but the last would be the most important. See like today money rules the world and he/she with the most money can rule the world. That is why the king spent so much money to try to stop the rebellion, had he not had the funds to fight the war it would not have lasted for as long as it did. But even with all his money he ended up unsuccessful in maintaining control of the new lands. The winners then drafted a new law of the land, not to be abused by an individual or even a group.

As great as it was The Constitution and Bill of Rights has been twisted to suit the needs of the few at the cost of the many. It has been a long process but they did it and still to this day they shred it little by little. They are sly about it, sneaky, planting seeds in the minds of the uneducated and the youth of this nation. As simple and changing words, and telling small lies until whole populations believe them to be the truth! Things like we live in a democracy, like using the words "living document" when referring to The Constitution. using words like progressive on an agenda that actually moves us backwards toward socialism and communism. Having almost half the population on welfare and food stamps and telling them they deserve it and government will take care of them. Wars on inanimate objects like drugs, when is reality the government is the the worlds larges shipper and distributor of "illegal" drugs. Then trying to shift the blame on the cartels and the afghan poppy growers. But sadly the masses believe the lies they are told.

I could go on and on but if you are reading this you are well aware of what is going on, YOU ARE AWAKE! For that I thank you. I also thank you for trying to wake up the rest of the sleeping sheeple. It is a hard task at hand, one I have been tirelessly doing for many years now. Trying to find outlets to get the word out. trying to spread truth to as many as possible! TIP: Small doses, if you feed them too much at once they will overload and reject the truth. Plant the seed and let it grow. It may take more than one seed planted before you get results. I have never seen a garden grow from a single seed. Although there are rare instances when a vine will takeover the flowerbed!

I ask this my FELLOW AMERICANS. When your family and friends are gathered this holiday do your country a favor, Thank those fighting to keep America the land of the free, and plant that seed. Do not forget about the youth either. They are our future. Set them on the correct path of freedom and liberty. Get them thinking about it young and they will have years to grow and study and see the truth. They will be our future freedom fighters. We cannot let the progressive/liberal/marxist/socialist/communist mindset seed be planted. That will surely destroy what we have. Many of us will not be around to see the fruits of our labors but I know I will rest easy when I die knowing I have done everything I can to keep the liberty tree standing strong! Even if that includes watering her with the blood of tyrants and patriots as well! 


Sunday, February 17, 2013

My How Times are Changing

     Stop and look around you. What do you see? What do you hear? How does it make you feel?

     I see a government controlled media telling me my values are no longer valid because it offends others. I see them try to tear down Marco Rubio for drinking water during the biggest speech so far in his political career. I see the praise of Christopher Dorner who killed innocent people for no good reason other than to try to make himself a martyr. I see no mention of Chris Kyle, a war hero who asked for nothing but freedom in return of service and helped other soldiers try to overcome PTSD.

     I see no mention of the attempt to strip our rights away. I see no mention of proud Americans who are standing up for the rights of fellow Americans, even if they have different points of view, even thought they use Sandy Hook and Aurora CO as excuses to take away rights. I see no mention of a "president" who will arm the muslim brotherhood and help their takeover of two countries that oppose the central banking system. Yet the same "president" will call for a vote to try to disarm free citizens, the media doesnt mind running that.

     All the while we have a population that does not understand the founding principals of these United States. Who believe they are entitled to something. Who believe we live in a democracy. Who believe the government is suppose to take care of them. Who are willing to trade their liberties and freedoms for the idea of security. These people are going to be the first ones rioting in the streets when their food stamps and welfare and cell phones are cut off. They lack the basic knowledge and ability to provide for their families. They will be the first to suffer, they already are suffering, they simply dont know it yet. Those are the ones the government depends on to be the majority. They will be easier to control.

     We have a population that understand founding principals. How a constitutional republic is suppose to work. How Americans are suppose to work! Work for what you want in life. Work for the knowledge and ability to provide and pass that knowledge onto their children. To pass freedom and liberty to the next generation and create our own security. We will suffer as well. Suffer as our country is divided. Suffer as our fellow Americans are killed. Suffer as the laws of this land are trampled and we have to leave our families behind to fight and face death to preserve freedom against an enemy force.  A force that will most likely be foreign. The blue helmet kind. The red kind. American soldiers will not turn on their own. A few will but they will not survive by the hand of those they currently stand next to.

     The power struggle continues. The rapid acceleration of ignorance will continue. The division of Americans will continue. I wish I could say there is no right or left, and we are all Americans with the same goal, the same dream. But that would be a lie. My hope is that those who oppose freedom wise up before it is too late, and those that stand with them see the error of their ways.